Tiny homes preparatory project
Exploring tiny homes in Northern Finland and Sweden addresses regions needs for affordable housing that is suited to harsh conditions. The region's unique challenges with seasonal tourism and mining, large temporary labor-intensive industrial investments demand innovative and flexible solutions. Tiny homes, with their adaptability and mobility could cater to diverse user groups in various different settings.
The project's focus on navigating legal complexities, collaborating with key partners, and aligning with local culture explores tiny homes as an answer for the unique characteristics of the implementation area. Further research is essential to explore their environmental adaptability, cultural relevance, compliance with regulations, strategic land use, user dynamics, legal clarity, and effective collaboration, particularly in the challenging northern conditions.
Tiny homes-procedure involves the built environment and technical services, which have to be arranged in a flexible way. Technical services are based on renewable natural resources and energy and ecological efficiency.
The project aims to initiate a cross-border tiny homes initiative in Northern Finland and Sweden. The preparatory stage involves assessing the region, creating a comprehensive project application, and establishing communication channels with local stakeholders. Tiny homes-solutions can also be applied to export efforts to third countries whose climate conditions may vary. Key actors at the preparatory stage are Lapland University of Applied Sciences and Arctic Construction Cluster Finland from Finland and LTU Business from Sweden. The project invites municipalities and businesses to participate in the action.
Engineering, Construction Engineering
Competence group:
Smart Built Environment
Pohjois-Suomen rakennusklusteri, LTU Business
1.4.2024 - 30.9.2024
More information:
Eila Seppänen
Sources of funding:
Interreg Aurora
UN Sustainable Development Goals:
01. No Poverty
04. Quality education
07. Affordable and clean energy
08. Decent work and economic growth
09. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
11. Sustainable cities and communities
15. Life on land
17. Partnerships for the goals
Total budget:
11 179 €